With indie publishing, the process of launching each new book into the world is a learning experience in itself. This can sometimes be slightly harrowing, when you discover in mid-publication things that you ought to have known and must master on the run. But it’s also very satisfying, if you like learning new things and how to apply them. In my own modest career as an indie publisher, I have been both harrowed and made happy on each go-round, but I can always say for sure that there will be more for me to learn next time.
So what have we learned from our latest adventure in publishing?
- We have unfortunately confirmed our tendency to do things in the wrong order. In the future we shall have our cover and interior files finished and tested long before we even begin to consider possible release dates.
- We love Rafflecopter. The site is so fun and easy to use and it makes giveaways a breeze.
- We must write longer books, if only to avoid issues with design for thin book spines.
- Running headers give us headaches, but after wrestling with them on two books, we think we may have got the hang of it and will be able to handle them more assuredly next time.
- We have an extremely patient and resourceful cover designer, as well as patient and supportive blogging friends who kindly put up with our publicity skills being a work in progress—for all of whom we are deeply thankful.
- And if you’re not tired of multiple first-person by this time, we recommend P.G. Wodehouse’s Uncle Fred in the Springtime, which contains the hilarious scene that inspired us to write in it.
Yayyyy Wodehouse! <3 My current frustration is knowing that I forgot some of what the heck I LEARNED during the Indie regime.
That happens too. I hadn't formatted a paperback in around two years, so I had to re-learn some of that when I did the Mrs. Meade Mysteries! Fortunately I did save a template from the first one with all my page margins, etc. set properly, so that was helpful.